~Have you ever thought,
"I don't feel like myself anymore?" ~Have traditional counseling sessions failed to give you lasting results? ~Are you having difficulty letting go of an unpleasant situation or habit? Below are 11 questions to help you determine whether you could benefit from Inner Spirit Hypnotherapy: 1) Are there habits or addictions you wish you could move out of your life? 2) Has it been a while since you were your ideal weight and dieting has produced only short term weight loss? |
3) Have you lost someone or something and are struggling to let them or it go?
4) Do you struggle with physical ailments such as repeated colds, flu, allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, migraines, skin problems, chronic pain, high blood pressure, etc.? 5) Do you sometimes feel alone in life even though you have family and friends? 6) Are you struggling in a relationship and feeling helpless to make it work? 7) Do you feel frustrated that you are unable to help the loved ones in your life? 8) Do you feel pressure to live up to others' expectations or feel controlled? |
9) Are you tired of carrying around past issues in your life that just don't seem to go away?
10) Do unexpected events leave you shaken and unsure of yourself or do you struggle with negative thinking, anxiety, depression, or hopelessness? 11) Do you want to make connection with your true self, your healing wisdom, your inner light and radiant potential? If you have answered yes to any of these questions there is an excellent possibility that you will benefit from Inner Spirit Hypnotherapy. |